Cornbond MCS SPF

Cornbond MCS SPF

Cornbond MCS SPF logo

JM Corbond MCSTM is a multi-climate, closed-cell spray polyurethane foam with superior thermal, air and moisture performance.

  • Availability: United States
  • R-Values R-13 (2″ Thickness), R-19 (3″ Thickness), R-38 (6″ Thickness)
  • Thicknesses May be applied in passes of uniform thickness from a minimum of a half inch to a maximum of two inches.


JM Corbond Multi-Climate Solution (MCS) SPF provides superior thermal, air and moisture isolation at a maximum lift thickness of 2 inches per pass. As one of the most advanced insulation solutions available, it provides complete climate isolation between indoor and outside environments. It can be installed alone or combined with JM Formaldehyde-free™ fiber glass insulation as part of a hybrid system.


  • BID-0112 JM Corbond MCS Data Sheet
  • JM Corbond (A) ISO SDS (EN)
  • JM Product Availability List – US
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